FCL Exportation

Details Procedure of Shipping Single Container to Singapore

FCL cargo shipment can be shipped through our warehouse in Guangzhou, or anywhere in Shipper's address. there are two situations we could arrange smoothly and professional. 


A. In one situation:  Shipping throught our warehouse method refer to cusotmers buy cargo from different suppliers or vendors, sometime more than 3 suppliers, and customer wanted use a soli container 20 feet or 40 feet to shipping their all cargo.

  1. The loading container work can not be done at one supplier among many of them, so customer has to inform supplier send cargo to our warehouse in Guangzhou. 

  2. We provide 1 month free long time storage for customer to purchase the goods (cause different supplier has different lead time for produce the goods). free receive the goods and record in our warehouse system, customer can check in our warehouse website to know how many cargo totally arrived, www.client.djcargo.cn using shipping mark to check in the system 

  3. Once all cargo arrived, we arrange shipping process of loading container, export customs declaration, sea shipping, destination customs declaration and delivery. 

  4. Freight collection, Customer can pay to our account in China or pay to our destination account before goods delivery. 

B. Another situation:  all cargo in one shipper's address, supplier or vendor we called shipper, all of customer's goods in an one shipper's address, whatever address in Guangzhou or other city all over in China, we can send container to load cargo and arrange a series works since loading, export customs declaration, sea shipping, destination declaration and delivery.